"Idiot why did you do that!" Such remarks as this are the foundation of a good friendship. It epitomizes the true feelings of friendship. Without friends life would be like a parasite without a host; you would have no one to leech off of. Indeed friends serve more important purposes than just being there for you; they also can be used to provide free food, stress relief, and role models. A cold and lonely night with no nourishment besides the chicken as dry as an Arab terrorist's hideout. Your friends can help you on this sad situation by buying food for you. It takes a true friend to purchase food for you, because without that factor forced consumption of poisonous chicken, also known as a form of seppuku, is inevitable. After eating with your friend you can better appreciate what they have done for you, and have a deeper and better enjoyment of spending time with one and another. Christopher Linscott, an exceedingly hyper friend, is an example of a friend that is good for stress relief. While hearing countless screams of "Owies!" and "WISKY TANGO FOXTROT OVER!" abuse of your friend releases stress that was pent up for days on end. The methods of stress release can range from physical abuse to mental abuse such as calling names, teasing, or constantly reminding them of your achievements. What kind of abuse that is chosen at the time can range from personal preference to whatever is most convenient. Afterwards stress drips away like morning dew from the grass as the sun rises. The final, and by far the most important reason why a friend is important, is the fact that they can be someone to look up to. Certain friends can be so much of a role model and such a terrific person that when reading the bible you read their name instead of Jesus. With a friend like this in your group of peers you receive more than help with everything you do, you also can have a way to make other friends stop a bad choice. All that has to be done is to say, "You know Randy [or whatever is the name of the magnificent friend you have] would be very disappointed in you." As soon as this is said the friend will instantly realize that they cannot live with the idea of your role model friend looking down on them in any way, and will quit whatever horrendous action they are doing. No matter how insane your friends may be, your role model friend can be there to sort everything out and make things work properly. Friendship is usually viewed as a great harmony of certain people that share similar interests and ideas. Sometimes, though, friendship can be something much more shallow and selfish. Without friends to help boost your self-image, your self-esteem could go down and depression could come and control your whole life. Being greedy isn't always a bad thing; it can save your life in more ways than you can imagine.
In your future life in accordance with the tenets of timism, i suggest you fallow these basic beleifs in order that you too may become one of greats...like me.