Text From The Traskia
Starsphere Only JOIN TIMISM

The Prophetic Voice of the New Religious Order:

Written (and Translated) by The Randeasy Bread Guard 

      Yea, these are the words of our highest most exulted one, Tim. Tim has been around since the dawn of his life! He has supreme knowledge about all things important in any persons life. Most notable, bread and cheese.  The following are select scripts from the ancient texts of the "Tonatim", literally: "The Books of Tim".       Book 4, prophecies, of the Tonatim has very powerful religious, and natural, prophecies, some of which have already taken place, and continue to do so on a daily basis:
      Prophecies, 7, 23-27: "Every morning that the powerful Tim is present, the sky shall be as black as the colors of a newly made widow. And gradually, as gradual as the dew forms on the blades of grass, He shall bring forth the fiery sun to do his, and only his, bidding. As that bright explosive sun is drawn up, He makes it warmer, drying the dew which once glistened on the green grass. Oh, yea, these are the prophecies of the great omniscient Tim!"
      This conclusively proves the glory of Timism, He made a prophecy general enough to cover all forms of life. These are the great words of Tim, you will personally receive prophecies if you convert to the new found religion. The false Bible have never made prophecies of something that comes true every day! The great Tonatim makes thousands of prophecies which has come true, none has ever been disproved! Here are more of the great words that occur in Book 4 of the Tonatim:
      Prophecies, 29, 98-105: "Humans, Thou brothers and sisters, shall always be born of two and shall be small. Thy shalt grow like a tree, tall and strong. But by and by thy body will grow weak if unobstructed by disease or physical harm, in the end thy shall be weak as the bone of a bird. Finally thy shall die and long after thy breath leaves you, thy shall disappear from the naked eye unto the ground."
      Death, something that happens to all, even before He experienced death himself he prophecized of it. It is very strong to prophecies about something that has never happened to you. Tim has prophesied about the day, death, and now he talks about nature, first he goes to animals in Book 17 of the Tonatim:
      Nature, 3, 10-21: "Upon the Earth their will be animals as long as humans walk. They will grow old and die just as the humans do, animals will be born of two and be put back unto the Earth, as a human does after death."
      Here He prophecies about something that is always with us, animals. He says that they will live as long as we do, maybe it means that their will be one large catastrophic destruction of the world and animals will die with humans. Next He talks about something which yet has not happened, the seasons change:
      Nature, 27, 1-6: "The days will change month by month, they will move from cold to warmth. This is absolute and will always happen until the Earth is no more."
      Tim prophecies that if it is cold right now it will get warmer, and vice versa; this gives hope to us all! And it also says in the last part that the Earth wont last forever, doomsday may be coming! Now in book 76 Tim prophecies about human life:
      Life, 259, 2-7: In every life their will be setbacks, the sun will not always shine brightly. Sometimes their will be setbacks which will not make you happy, but ,yea, good things will always come. Hope will follow gloom, and the opposite is also true."
      Hope! This makes us think that we shall always be happy, their will be glory after Bread!

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